With the project in the OpenUP Construction phase, the emphasis moves to building out the project implementation. Part of the process will be the further development of the software design. As your design evolves through this period, you will want to ensure that the design adheres to the architectural responsibilities and separations specified by the three tier (UI-Application-Model) architecture that you have. When you assign responsibilities to a class and the class to a tier make sure that the class has a small scope, i.e. is cohesive, is placed in the proper architectural tier based on its responsibilities and those for the tier, and has responsibilities that fall within only one architectural tier.

There is a class session when you will discuss your design with your instructor. This will most likely not be your final design, but you will be far enough into the Construction phase that you will be able to describe a large part of the design.

Your discussion with your instructor will be based around the following.

This will be a great opportunity for you to highlight any design aspects that you think are particularly noteworthy. You can get feedback from your instructor about the quality of your design, and obtain guidance for any design issues that the team is struggling with.

There is no submission of this design information at this point. Full design documentation will be part of your Sprint 2 and 4 submissions. There is an exercise, Design documentation - team, that starts the documention area within your project repository. Refer to the schedule for you course section for the instructions for that exercise and when it is due.